| 9000 BC:- People start planting crops in the Middle
East |
 | 6000 BC:- Copper first used in West Asia |
 | 3500 BC:- The Sumerian civilization begins in Mesopotamia |
 | 3200 BC:- Pharaoh Menes merges Upper and Lower Egypt |
 | 2875 BC:- Ancient Egyptians start building the Great
Pyramid of Giza |
 | 2000 BC:- People in Turkey begin to use iron |
 | 510 BC:- Latini expels Etruscans from Rome |
 | 480 BC:- Greeks defeat Persians in Battle of Salamis |
 | 431 BC:- Athens and Sparta begin the Peloponnesian
War |
 | 399 BC:- Death of Socrates |
 | 385 BC:- Plato founds the first university in Europe |
 | 356 BC:- Birth of Alexander the Great |
 | 324 BC:- Death of Alexander the Great |
 | 146 BC:- Carthage is destroyed |
 | 100 BC:- Birth of Julius Caesar |
 | 54 BC:- Caesar goes to Britain |
 | 49 BC:- Julius Caesar starts the civil war against
Pompey |
 | 45 BC:- Caesar wins the civil war, kills Pompey
and becomes 'dictator for life' |
 | 44 BC:- Assassination of Julius Caesar |
 | 27 BC:- Augustus proclaims Roman Empire |
 | 4 BC:- Birth of Jesus Christ |
 | 43 AD:- Emperor Claudius conquers Britain |
 | 160 AD:- Barbarian tribes invade Roman Empire |
 | 313 AD:- Emperor Constantine makes Christianity
an approved religion |
 | 410 AD:- Rome captured |
 | 476 AD:- Barbarian tribes overthrow the last Roman
Emperor; end of the Roman Empire |
 | 793 AD:- First Viking invaders in Britain |
 | 800 AD:- Charlemagne crowned emperor |
 | 845 AD:- Vikings sack Paris |
 | 849 AD:- Birth of Alfred the Great |
 | 868 AD:- Earliest surviving book printed in China |
 | 871 AD:- Alfred the Great becomes King of Wessex |
 | 878 AD:- Alfred the Great's army defeats the Vikings
in the Battle of Edington |
 | 899 AD:- Death of Alfred the Great |
 | 911 AD:- Vikings rule Duchy of Normandy |
 | 962 AD:- Otto the Great crowned Holy Roman Emperor |
 | 997 AD:- Leif Ericsson the Viking sails across the
Atlantic |
 | 1000:- Scots rule Scotland |