Pele began playing
football in the Brazilian Professional League when he was 14 years old, he
became the top goal scorer when he was 15, he became an international player
when he was 16 and won the World Cup when he was 17 years old only?
American sports channels
earn more than 2 million dollars every minute from
Beckham spent more than
21,000 dollars on his
new haircut?
Great Pyramid of Giza
was the highest building
in the world
between 2500BC and 1300
if you don't wear a
space suit in space, your eyeballs will pop out, your teeth will explode, your
stomach and intestines will explode and you will start to bleed in every part of
your body?
George Graham Bell
invented the telephone one hour before someone else invented it?
Hungary lost only one
football match between 1945-55?
in Canada, a group of
karate experts destroyed a house with bare feet and hands?
if you wear vacuum
shoes, you will be able to walk on a ceiling?
British and German
soldiers celebrated Christmas together in 1914 in the middle of WWI?
the furthest known
object is 13 billion light years away?
the Bible was written
300 years after the death of Jesus Christ?
Vaccination comes from
the Latin word ,"vacca" which means cow?
nearly every African
country imports grain?
when Alexander the
Great's horse, Bucephalus, died, he built a city and called it after him?
Chinese people do not
use alphabets, they draw a shape for each word?
In 1803, THE USA
doubled in size after buying land from France (the Lousiana Purchase)?
Americans celebrate the
festival of Thanksgiving each year to remember the help the Indians gave to the
first white settlers?