| 1509:- Henry VIII becomes King |
 | 1519:- The Spaniard Hernan Cortes arrives in Tenochitlan
(now Mexico City) |
 | 1519:- Magellan sets out with 5 ships and 568 men
to travel around the world |
 | 1521:- Hernan Cortes invades the Aztecs (now Mexico) |
 | 1521:- Magellan is killed in Philippines in the
middles of his voyage |
 | 1522:- Only one ship and a few men returned to Spain
after the first voyage around the world |
 | 1526:- Turks besiege Vienna |
 | 1527:- Death of Niccolo Machiavelli |
 | 1532:- Spanish invaders, lead by Francisco Pizarro.
arrive in Peru; by the 1570's the Incas become crushed by the Spaniards |
 | 1533:- Birth of Elizabeth I |
 | 1536:- England and Wales unite |
 | 1543:- Birth of Francis Drake |
 | 1547:- Death of Henry VIII and Edward VI becomes
King of England |
 | 1553:- Lady Jane Gray becomes Queen of England for
9 days only |
 | 1553:- Mary I becomes Queen of England |
 | 1558:- Elizabeth I becomes Queen of England |
 | 1564:- Birth of Galileo |
 | 1564:- Birth of William Shakespeare in Stratford |
 | 1565:- Spain founded the first permanent European
settlement in what is now the United States at Saint Augustine, Florida.
However, Native Americans had lived on the continent for thousands of years. |
 | 1558:- Elizabeth I becomes Queen |
 | 1588:- Spanish Armada |
 | 1592:- Shakespeare becomes actor and writer |
 | 1596:- Death of Sir Francis Drake |
 | 1600:- Birth of Charles I in Scotland |
 | 1601:- The Poor Law gives some help to poor, old,
ill and young people |
 | 1603:- Death of Queen Elizabeth I |
 | 1607:- The first permanent British settlement in
America was established at Jamestown, Virginia. |
 | 1616:- Death of William Shakespeare |
 | 1625:- Charles I becomes a King |
 | 1627:- Aurochs becomes extinct |
 | 1642:- English Civil War begins |
 | 1642:- Death of Galileo |
 | 1642:- Birth of Isaac Newton |
 | 1644:- Battle of Marston Moor in the English Civil
War |
 | 1649:- End of the English Revolution; King Charles
I is executed |
 | 1653:- Oliver Cromwell becomes "Lord Cromwell" |
 | 1661:- Beginning of the Great Plague in Britain |
 | 1663:- End of the Great Plague |
 | 1678:- Palace of Versailles built |
 | 1681:- Dodo becomes extinct |
 | 1690:- William III wins the Battle of Boyne and
invades Ireland |
 | 1703:- St. Petersburg founded |
 | 1707:- Act of Union between England and Scotland |
 | 1720:- Invention of the steam engine |
 | 1727:- Death of Sir Isaac Newton |
 | 1737:- Birth of George Washington |
 | 1756:- Britain defeats France in Canada and India |
 | 1756:- Birth of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart |
 | 1769:- Captain Cook discovers New Zealand and Australia |
 | 1769:- Birth of Arthur Wellesley Wellington |
 | 1770:- Birth of Ludwig van Beethoven in Germany |
 | 1770:- Birth of William Wordsworth |
 | 1775:- Birth of Joseph Mallord William Turner |
 | 1776:- America becomes independent when the
Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence at Philadelphia. |
 | 1779:- The world's first cast iron bridge is built
in Coalbrookdale in England |
 | 1781:- Uranus, the first planet discovered by a
telescope, is discovered by William Herschel |
 | 1781:- Birth of George Stephenson |
 | 1783:- The Montgolfier brothers in France build
the first hot air balloon. |
 | 1789:- French storm Bastille; start of the French
Revolution |
 | 1789:- George Washington becomes President of America |
 | 1791:- Birth of Michael Faraday |
 | 1791:- Death of Mozart |
 | 1793:- Britain declares war on France |
 | 1799:- End of the French Revolution |
 | 1799:- Death of George Washington. "First in war,
first in peace and first in the heart of his countrymen." |