The short-term effects
of smoking cause the bronchioles (passages in the lungs) to constrict and
the cilia lining air passage to stop beating. The smoke also makes the
lining produce more mucus. Nicotine, the component which causes addiction
in tobacco, produces an increase in the rate of the heart beat and a rise
in blood pressure. It may, in some cases cause an erratic andirregular
heart eat.
The long-term effects
of smoking may take many years to develop but they are severe, disabling
and often lethal.
Although all forms of
air pollution are likely to increase the chances of lung cancer, many scientific
studies show, beyond all reasonable doubt, that the vast increase in lung
cancer (4000% in the last century) is almost entirely due to smoking.
Deaths per
100,000 from lung cancer in American men aged 50-79 |
Type of
people |
11 |
non-smokers |
19 |
cigars only |
28 |
pipes only |
89 |
mixed |
109 |
cigarettes |
Cigar and pipe
smokers are probably at less risk because they often don't inhale. But
notice that their death rate from lung cancer is still twice that of non-smokers.
There at least 17 substances
in tobacco smoke known to cause cancer in experimental animals, and it
is now thought that 90 percent of lung cancer is caused by smoking. There
are 2 types of chemicals which cause cancer: initiators and promoters.
Initiators cause the chemical mutations in DNA which produce cancer cells.
Promoters help cancer cells to reproduce and grow but they don't cause
cancer before an initiator is taken. Cigarettes have both initiators and
Number of
cigarettes per day |
risk of lung cancer |
2-14 |
x8 |
15-24 |
x13 |
25+ |
x25 |
Emphysema is a breakdown
of the alveoli (microscopic air sacs in the lungs which allow oxygen and
carbon dioxide to get in and out of blood). The of one or more of the substances
in tobacco smoke weakens the alveoli. The irritant substances in the smoke
causes a "smoker's cough" and the coughing bursts some of the weakened
alveoli. In time, the absorbing surface of the lungs is greatly reduced.
Then the smokers cannot oxygenate their blood properly and the least exercise
makes them breathless and exhausted.
The smoke stops
the cilia ( hair ) in the air passage to stop beating and so the irritant
substances in the smoke and the excess mucus collect in the bronchi. This
leads to the inflammation known as bronchitis. Over 95% of people suffering
from bronchitis are smokers and they have a 20 times greater chance of
dying from bronchitis than non-smokers.
Heart disease
Coronary heart disease
is the leading cause in most developed countries. It results from a blockage
of coronary arteries by fatty deposits. This reduces the supply of oxygenated
to the heart muscle and sooner or later leads to heart failure. High blood
pressure, diets with too much animal fat, and lack of exercise are also
thought to be causes of heart attack, but about a quarter of all deaths
due to coronary heart disease are thought to be caused by smoking.
The nicotine and carbon
monoxide from cigarette smoke increase the tendency for the blood to clot
and so block the coronary arteries, already partly blocked by fatty deposits.
The carbon monoxide increases the rate at which the fatty material is deposited
in the arteries.
Other risks
About 95% of patients
with disease of the leg arteries are cigarette smokers and this condition
is the most frequent case of leg amputations.
Strokes due to arterial
disease in the brain are more frequent in smokers.
Cancer of the bladder,
ulcers in the stomach and duodenum, tooth decay, gum disease and tuberculosis
all occur more frequently in smokers.
Babies born to
women who smoke during pregnancy are smaller average, probably as a result
pf reduced oxygen supply caused by the carbon monoxide in the blood. In
smokers, there is twice the frequency of miscarriages, a 50% higher still-birth
rate and a 26% higher death rate of babies.
A recent estimate is
that one in every 3 smokers will die as a result of their smoking habits.
Those who don't die at an early age will probably be seriously disabled
by one of the conditions described alone.
It is not only the smokers
themselves who are harmed by tobacco smoke. Non-smokers in the same room
are also affected. One study has shown that children whose both parents
smoke, breathe in as much nicotine as if they were themselves smoking 80
cigarettes a year.