was king of the Gods in Roman mythology.

All of
the planets in the Solar System can fit into Jupiter. 1400 Earth's can
fit into Jupiter. Jupiter's mass is only 318 times bigger than Earth's.
, but the planet's Its density is Earth,
indicating that the planet consists of gas. ¼ of the It takes only
to rotate around its own axis. This speed results 10 hours in a bulge in
its equator. Its colourful surface is caused by the clouds. One famous
cloud is the rust-coloured
GREAT RED SPOT. The colour is formed by chemicals which were affected by
UV waves, lightning, electric discharges and heat. Some people believe
that some of these compounds have a relationship with the organic substances
which formed life on Earth. MOONS: Jupiter has 16 moons. The largest 4
are Lo, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto.
 In Roman
mythology, Saturn was Jupiter's father.
is the 2nd largest planet in the Solar System although its son is bigger
than it. Galileo discovered in 1610 Saturn's rings with his telescope.
He thought that the rings were attached to the planet, so he called them
ansae (handles).
In 1655,
Huygens described the rings correctly. He wrote a group of letters in code.
When his letters were translated it said, "It is girdled by a thin flat
ring, nowhere touching, inclined to the ecliptic." The rings are named
in order of their discovery. From the planet outwards they are known as
D,C,B,A,F,G,E. In the 19th century, James Clerk Maxwell discovered that
each ring is made out of 100,000 tiny particles. Each one had it's own
In the
1980's a famous theory called CHAOS started to develop. One of the phenomena
of this theory occurs in Saturn's rings. Each particle has its own orbit.
It always stays in its orbit and never moves 1 mm towards any direction.
Using mathematics, it was discovered that if any particle moved, it will
be "kicked" out of Saturn instantly. It will be released and it will travel
away for ever.
Saturn has at least 18 moons, more than any other planet. Its largest is
Titan (that's from where Titanic got its name. It's the Latin word for
was in Roman mythology the God of heavens, Saturn's father and Jupiter's
is as bright as a star. Its orbit intersects with Saturn's and Neptune's.
It was accidentally discovered in 1781 by Sir William Herschel accidentally.
It was
originally called Georgium Sidus (Star of George) in honour of King
George III. Later, it was called Herschel. Finally, it got its name Uranus
which was proposed by German astronomer Johann Elert Bode in the late 1800's.
It's unique for its rotation. Its axis is 50 degrees to its equator. In
other words it revolves sideways. Sometimes the "North" pole faces the
Sun directly, which means that it's summer there. It has at least 11 rings.
It has 15 moons. The largest 5 are Miranda, Ariel (two characters in Shakespeare's
play), Umbreil, Titania and Oberon.
was the Roman god of the sea. It was given this name because of its blue
surface. Neptune is the fourth largest planet in the Solar System. Its
average distance from the sun is 4,500000000 km.
Its diameter is about 50,000 km or 4 times bigger than the Earth's. It's
72 times bigger in volume but 17 times bigger in mass. That's because it
has a low density. It's a "gas giant" planet with an atmosphere surrounding
a liquid surface which sometimes solidifies into a solid core. It's mainly
made out of hydrogen and helium. Its blue colour comes from methane which
makes up only 3% of the atmosphere. Its core has more metals and rocks
than the other gas giant planets. Its magnetic field is tilted more than
50 degrees to the rotation axis. MOONS: Neptune has 8 moons; only 2 can
be seen from Earth. Its largest moon, Triton has a surface made out of
ice that is cracked.

Pluto is farther from the sun than the other planets in
the solar system, although it occasionally moves in closer than Neptune
due to an irregular orbit. The small, rocky, and cold planet takes 247.7
years to revolve around the sun. This artist's rendition depicts Pluto,
foreground; its moon, Charon, background; and the distant sun,
upper right.
NASA/Science Source/Photo Researchers, Inc.
Pluto was
the Roman god of the underworld. Very little is known about this planet.
No probe has landed on its surface. Some people
believe that Pluto is not a planet. It's rather a small piece of ice. There
are two asteroids after Pluto, Smiley and Carla. Its moon is Charon. Charon
was in Greek (not Roman this time) mythology, the son of the darkness.
Sometimes, Pluto is nearer to the Sun than Neptune because of their strange
orbits. Its moon is so near that you can see its shadow on Pluto which
is twice as big as Charon. If you live on Pluto you will die before you
celebrate for your first birthday!
Pluto was
discovered after a telescopic search which began 1905 by and American astronomer,
Percival Lowell. He proposed the existence of a ninth planet beyond Neptune
which causes the slight changes in Uranus' orbit. In 1930, the search ended
successfully when Clyde William Tombaugh near the position predicted by
Lowell. Pluto's orbit is 247.7 years at an average distance of 6 billion
km from the Sun. There's no possibility of a collision between them because
Pluto's path is "above" Neptune's. It's 17.2 degrees to the ecliptic. Solidified
carbon monoxide was discovered on Pluto's surface which proves that the
temperature is below 220 degrees.
In the
past 100 years astronomists, chemists, meteorologists and physicists improved
the understanding of the Universe, stars and Earth. In the 7th and 6th
centuries BC, the Greek philosophers Thales and Pythagoras said that the
earth is a sphere; in the 3rd century BC the astronomer Aristarchus said
that the earth moved around the sun. Hipparchus, another Greek philosopher,
prepared information about stars and the motions of the moon. In the 2nd
century AD Ptolmey of Alexandria was the first to place the Earth at the
center of the solar system in the Ptolemaic system.
1400 years
later, Polish astronomer, Copernicus explained the Ptolmaeic system in
more details involving other planets orbiting the Sun. Danish astronomer,
Tycho Brahe influenced the laws of planetary motion made by Johannes Kepler.
One of his 3 laws stated that orbits were elliptical. Galileo, Halley,
Herschel and James Jeans made contributions to astronomy.
In 1654
the German physicist Otto von Guericke proved that a vacuum could be maintained,
proving that earlier theories were wrong. Sir Isaac Newton wrote down the
laws of forces and universal gravitation and motion. His laws helped scientists
to design rockets and predict the motion of satellites. His equation:
F= GMm/d2
is probably
one of the most important equations in the history of physics. In this
equation, M and m were the masses of 2 objects, G was a universal constant
(a very small number) and d was the distance between the 2 objects.
is the study of the universe as a whole; its future and origin.
The Dutch
astronomer Jan Hendrik Oort found that the sun takes approximately 250
million years to travel once around the center of our galaxy, so he was
able to calculate that the mass of the Milky Way is roughly 100 billion
times the mass of the sun.
of the stars which Hubble studied were pulsating stars called Cepheid variables.
By measuring their period of pulsation, astronomers can determine the brightness
of these stars. By comparing the real brightness of these Cepheids with
the known brightness of nearby Cepheids, Hubble proved that these nebulas
lie far outside the galaxy. This meant that the thousands of spiral and
elliptical nebulas were galaxies outside the Milky Way Galaxy with each
containing hundreds of billions of stars.
Bang Theory
In 1929
Hubble compared the distances he had estimated for various galaxies with
the red shifts determined by Slipher for the same galaxies. He found that
the more remote the galaxy, the higher was its velocity. This important
relationship has become known as the law of the red shifts, or Hubble's
law; it states that the velocity of a galaxy is proportional to its distance.
The ratio of the velocity of a galaxy to its distance (the Hubble constant)
is estimated to be between 50 and 100 km/sec per megaparsec (one megapersec
is about 3 million light years).
galaxies in all directions seem to recede from the Milky Way, it might
appear that the Milky Way is at the center of the universe. This is not
the case, however. One can imagine a balloon with evenly spaced dots painted
on it. As the balloon is blown up, an observer on each spot would see all
the other spots expanding away from it, just as observers see all the galaxies
receding from the Milky Way. The Universe is expanding like a balloon.
At the
present time, estimates of the age of the universe range between 7 and
20 billion years, so they do not conflict with the age of the earth. Lower
estimates in this range, however, seem to conflict with the age of the
oldest stars, which are believed to be about 16 billion years old.
2 scientists
found the idea of a sudden beginning to the universe which was unsatisfactory.
It stated that the Universe appeared the same from any location, but not
for all times. They proposed that the decrease in the density of the universe
caused by its expansion is exactly balanced by the creation of matter condensing
into galaxies, thereby maintaining forever the present appearance of the
universe. The steady-state theory is no longer accepted by most cosmologists,
after the discovery of cosmic background radiation in 1965.
In 1948
the Russian-American physicist George Gamow suggested the Big Bang Theory.
Gamow proposed that the universe was created in a gigantic explosion and
that the various elements observed today were produced within the first
few minutes after the big bang, when the extremely high temperature and
density of the universe would fuse subatomic particles (e.g. electrons,
protons, positrons, neutrinos, etc.) into the chemical elements (e.g. hydrogen,
helium, lithium, etc.). Hydrogen and helium would have been the primary
products of the big bang, with heavier elements being produced later within
stars, that's because there's less energy needed to produce such elements.
This theory, however, provided a basis for understanding the earliest stages
of the universe and its subsequent evolution. The extremely high density
within the primeval atom would cause the universe to expand rapidly. As
it expanded, the hydrogen and helium would cool and condense into stars
and galaxies. This explains the expansion of the universe and the physical
basis of Hubble's law.
to Gamow's theory, as the universe expanded, the radiation from the big
bang would continue to cool. By today it should be a temperature of about
3 K (about -270° C/-454° F). This relic radiation was detected
by radio astronomy in 1965, thereby providing what most astronomers consider
to be confirmation of the big bang theory. The radiation was probably gamma
rays which has a lot of energy. This radiation's wavelength increased slowly
into radio waves which is very cold. One day, there will be no heat at
all in the Universe (absolute zero, 0K).
of the Universe
One of
the unresolved problems in the expanding universe model is whether the
universe is open (that is, whether it will expand forever) or closed (whether
the universe will contract again).
One approach
to solving this problem is to determine whether the mean density of matter
in the universe is more than the critical value in Friedmann's model. The
mass of a galaxy can be measured by observing the motion of its stars.
If the mass density of the universe is estimated by multiplying the mass
of each galaxy by the number of galaxies, the density is found to be only
5 to 10 percent of the critical value. The mass of a cluster of galaxies
can be determined by measuring the motion of the galaxies within it. Multiplying
this mass by the number of clusters of galaxies results in a much higher
mean density, one approaching the critical limit that would indicate the
universe is closed. Scientists believe that there's more mass than we can
see. The so-called dark matter, inside the cluster but outside visible
galaxies. This dark matter can be a series of black holes. Until the missing
mass phenomenon is understood, this method of determining the fate of the
universe will be useless.
light from the most remote galaxies has been traveling for billions of
years, the universe can be observed as it appeared in the distant past.
If a star is 13 billion light years away, we will look at it and see what
happened to it 13 billion light years ago. When you are in Nasa recording
what a probe can see, you can't say, "Oh, please, can the probe zoom in?"
By the time the message of zooming reaches the probe, the probe itself
will move for a few thousand km! Using new, highly sensitive infrared detectors
called large format arrays, astronomers at Mauna kA Observatory have recorded
hundreds of the faintest galaxies ever observed, most of them clustered
at a distance of 6 billion light years. This proves that the universe of
6 billion years ago was not a mixture of galactic types, instead only one
type can be seen; a class of small, galaxies containing far fewer stars
than the Milky Way or others of its kind. The young spiral and elliptical
galaxies observed today may thus have formed from the combination of low-mass
galactic fragments late in the history of the universe, long after the
big bang, and represent just one of a series of stages in the evolution
of the universe.
Much current
work in cosmology is concentrated on developing a better understanding
of the processes that must have shaped the big bang. Inflationary theory,
made in the 1980s, made difficulties in Gamow's theory by involving recent
advances in particle physics. Such theories have also led to the possibility
of an infinity of universes produced according to the inflationary model.
Most cosmologists, however, are more intent on locating the whereabouts
of dark matter, while a minority, following the Swedish Nobel physicist
Gosta Alfvén, believe the idea that plasma (sub-atomic particles
separated from atoms) phenomena—not just gravity—can help us to understand
the history of the Universe.